
rebranding, s2r studios, fort myers

Time To Re-Brand Your Business?

Re-branding your business is a big undertaking that involves much more than just deciding on altering a name. It is about putting aside outdated and failed aspects of your business and dramatically re-thinking how to effectively position your business to the people who mean the most- your customers and your potential customers.

Your digital footprint needs to become increasingly integrated – and an integral part of an overall marketing strategy. Everything needs to be updated and transitioned to your new brand: your website, your social media, your advertising, your in-house marketing materials, your promo materials, your events…everything.

Try and identify your issues with the business as it stands now-

Why has business decreased? What can you be doing different in-house and online? How much does your website and social presence hurt your business because it’s not up to par?

Make social media first and foremost –

Social media is no longer an afterthought or a bonus in a well-designed business strategy; it’s a fully integrated and optimized component.

Optimize a new web design (aesthetic and content)-

Your logo, fonts, design choices, photos, content and layout probably are not optimized for a what a website should be, which is the lifeblood of your business. When people go to your website they should feel the vibe they are going to feel when they walk into your business Plan on creating a sharp, new website design that is truly optimized for, and in synch with modern-day marketing sensibilities.

Engage your social media audience at every stage-

Craft a transition engagement strategy that informs your fans how and why your re-branding strategy is going to take your business to a new, exciting level. As you re-brand, it’s important to tell your re-branding story over and over again across a variety of social media to ensure it sinks in and begins resonating with your fans. It’s always important to have continuous, direct interactions with your social media audience, and having it throughout the re-branding process is no different; you should be prepared to answer all of their questions as quickly, directly and truthfully as possible, and also offer up heartfelt responses to your followers who are engaging with you during the changes.
Turn your employees into re-branding advocates-

The people that work for you each have their own following on social media that can exponentially increase the reach of your brand, so use those followings (and your own) to publicize your business and your rebranding. If you can get your employees excited about the rebranding, you’ll be able to encourage them to share details about it on their personal social media.

Listen and respond to feedback-

Your digital footprint is one of the fastest and most insightful ways to grow, and gather feedback about anything, so when you rebrand, you should be listening to your audience more carefully than ever. Who knows…they may also give you suggestions and ideas for how to tweak and improve your rebranding strategy.
Some Tips to Get You Started:

  • The digital world offers businesses today a rich, multi layered platform on which to showcase themselves and a rebranding strategy. It is of utmost importance to change the way you currently do things if you are not being successful.
  • Re-design your logo and possibly alter the name
  • Re-design your website and update your social media
  • Get involved in every aspect of digital marketing that is available- as many social media platforms as possible that will work for your business. And, be consistent and present on all of them on a regular basis.
  • Only use quality images, photos and videos everywhere you post and on your website.
  • Use as much in-house promo as possible such as flyers, TV screens, giveaways, etc.
  • Solicit reviews, and encourage people to post their good times at your establishment.
  • Keep your online reputation intact, and your Google listing updated. And, be consistent in posting on social media- but, know that it doesn’t always have to be about your business. It can be something funny, from your community, heartfelt causes, etc. People will engage with what they like, and that will gain you more followers. And, that will translate into people walking into your business.
  • Come up with contests periodically for social media to drive engagement and business.
  • Be willing to pay a professional marketer to do the work.


If you are looking to re-brand or re-fresh your business, we would be happy to talk to you more, to help you strategize a plan. Give us a call today!