Keyword Placement, Content and Rank…It’s all in the Relevance

Your content and keyword placement is the most powerful tool you have in your search engine optimization arsenal.

Relevant content published frequently, that is optimized for keywords or terms, can bring your website higher and higher in search engine results.

Keywords are not just for your meta data- which is what many people believe. They are part of how search engines determine the relevance of your site for a particular search. They also assist the person that is searching to find the best match for what they are looking for.

Keywords are the words or terms (phrases) you want to rank for.  For instance, “Website Design” is a term that we would want to rank for. It’s important to remember that these days, people don’t just search by keywords, they search by terms and phrases. Keep this in mind when writing and optimizing your content.

There are different opinions on how often you should use keywords or terms in your content. But, one thing is for sure… keywords should be used naturally, not forced into your content so that it reads awkwardly to your potential customer. This is a sure fire way of turning them off. And, in this case, they’ll just go to your competitor’s website. You don’t want that!

Here’s a GREAT TIP: Write your content and then go back and position your keywords. Make sure to use other relevant keywords throughout your content as well. A good test is to read the content out loud. Does it sound weird to you? If so, it will probably sound awkward to others too.

Use your keywords strategically. There are a few prominent places to position your keywords so they’re recognized by the search engines. These locations include:

Your headline

Any headings or subheadings in your content

The first and last paragraphs of your content

For best results, keep it simple and use one primary keyword or term per page, and try not to incorporate too many keywords into one page. It will confuse search engines on your relevance and you may not come up in the searches that you want to rank for.

We have the know how to properly structure a web page and it’s keywords, terms and phrases. Need some help? We’ve got you covered! Give us a call today!